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Frequently Asked Questions


How much is treatment?

Starting from $68, our treatment trials include an assessment and experiential session, specially designed to let you feel the difference of our unique method. Click here for the details of the trials.

For non-trial booking, the first visit will be $150 before GST for a full assessment for diastasis recti, pelvic floor and vaginal laxity.

Diastasis Recti

Is my tummy bulge due to Diastasis Recti?

A tummy bulge could be due to loose skin, excess fat or muscular imbalance such as a Diastasis Recti. Diastasis Recti occurs when there is a separation of the abdominal muscles which naturally leads to a widened waist circumference and stomach bloating caused by excess intra-abdominal pressure in the abdominal cavity. Therefore healing Diastasis Recti will lead to a firmer abdomen and stronger core muscles.

Can I do exercises to treat Diastasis Recti?

Exercises are good if they are done accurately and in a guided manner. Exercises that include activities such as forward flexion, twisting, backward extension or place more pressure on the abdominal area would worsen your issue of Diastasis Recti. Some examples include crunches and planks.

Can wearing a corset or binder help Diastasis Recti?

A corset or binder can provide the necessary support and compression to promote good posture and trunk support. However, this does not heal the muscular imbalances that are the root causes of Diastasis Recti.

Does Diastasis Recti go away naturally?

In some cases, Diastasis Recti may heal naturally and should achieve self-resolution within a period of 8 weeks after childbirth. If it persists beyond 8 weeks postpartum, intervention will be required.

What is the fastest way to treat Diastasis Recti?

The fastest and most effective way to treat Diastasis Recti is by treating the root cause – which is to recover and strengthen the deep core muscles. Employing the use of advanced machines will treat a case of Diastasis Recti faster and prevent it from worsening with time. At Orchard Clinic, our method takes 10-14 weeks on average towards full recovery using advanced treatment technologies.

Is surgery a faster way to treat Diastasis Recti?

Surgery could be recommended if a condition is too severe but is generally avoided where possible due to its associated risks and uncertainty. In cases where surgery is unavoidable, post-surgery muscle rehabilitation is often recommended at Orchard Clinic to strengthen muscles after a surgical procedure such as a tummy tuck.

Is Diastasis Recti permanent?

All Diastasis Recti cases have seen improvement in Orchard Clinic, however, when left untreated for a longer period, recovery is generally slower. Therefore, treating it sooner, rather than later will be easier, faster and more effective.

Postpartum Body Assessment & Care

How long is the postpartum period?

The postpartum period is generally defined as the period following childbirth as the mother’s body, including hormone levels and uterus size, returns to a non-pregnant state. The postpartum period is commonly used to refer to the first 6-8 weeks following childbirth but full recovery could take up to 1-2 years in most cases.

What are some postpartum complications?

A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes and stress during pregnancy, which could lead to issues such as muscular weakness in the abdominal and pelvic area which contributes to a high risk of conditions such as Diastasis Recti, Incontinence and other pelvic floor dysfunctions.

It’s been a number of years since I’ve given birth, can I still do an assessment?

Yes, we have seen clients who have been suffering from common conditions for over 10 years after they have given birth. Most of them see good improvement and recovery from their condition. However, we would still recommend doing an assessment to determine if treatment is required and suitable for you as individual cases are different.

What are postpartum exercises?

After undergoing a lot of physical changes during and after pregnancy, a woman’s body requires delicate care which includes specific exercises that are usually focused on strengthening the core muscles and rebuilding the lower structures.


What causes Urinary Incontinence?

There are different types of Urinary Incontinence that could be caused by various factors. The most common kind of Incontinence is Stress Urinary Incontinence which is caused by weak pelvic floor muscles. Women are twice as likely to suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence due to pregnancy and childbirth, as well as hormonal changes during the menopause stages.

Can incontinence be cured?

Stress Urinary Incontinence is often treatable by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. However, an assessment is required to determine if treatment is suitable for each individual.

What is the best treatment for Incontinence?

Treatment for Incontinence varies from person to person. An assessment is necessary to determine the best course of treatment.

Tips from Our Clients

It’s a one-stop place to help fix your post birth issues. I can assure you the people at Orchard Clinic are friendly and not pushy, it’s best to get the answers from the pros!

– Vanessa Tang

As a new mum, I would recommend trying conservative methods before considering surgery to avoid any possible irreversible outcomes

– Geraldine Yeo

We should make use of technology and machines to help us busy mothers regain our bodies and confidence!

– Anna Joseph

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